Episode 23: He Touched My Dog

Episode 23: He Touched My Dog

We’re back and still the goblin horde battle rages. It’s the courageous party against the Red Fist of Doom! We open with a little John Wick (this was 2017, remember). Shade has some angry poetry, we drop a Transylvania 6-5000 reference from out of nowhere,...
Episode 17: Hobgoblin Tramp Stamp

Episode 17: Hobgoblin Tramp Stamp

We continue to prep Rathmar for the incoming goblin horde. Lots of Monty Python in this one, like usual. The great debate is between keeping the troops inside the city or send them out to thin the herd. Mora has apparently watched all of the Rambo movies. Plus, poison...
Episode 16: The Bag of Cookie Holding

Episode 16: The Bag of Cookie Holding

The party is back (with an early appearance from the closet killing cat, Bane. He’s a 27 lb Egyptian Mau who jumped up on the shelves and ripped an entire side of them out of the walls.) This leads to a Bane/Hamilton mash up before we even get to dungeon...
Episode 14: Something Large and Not Nice

Episode 14: Something Large and Not Nice

The intrepid heroes continue into the Lion-themed dungeon. This time, we debate crosswalk buttons, the ranger and the thief bond over Spider-Man, and quote the song, “Selfie.” That’s just the first three minutes. The cleric learns that she can create food, and Bastian finally gets his actual name!

FlameRule – The Story of Varath Keep

The party decided to camp for 8 hours to refresh their resources and approach the Keep in near darkness (it is 2 days past the full moon).  Before sleeping, Luna tells the story of the keep as she remembers it. Vraath Keep has a tragic history, as the ruins and...